Cheonggyecheon i Seoul

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Cheonggyecheon, Jongno 5(o).6(yuk)ga-dong, Seoul
Kontakter telefon: +82
Latitude: 37.57, Longitude: 127.006389
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Kommentar 5

  • Wandi Y

    Wandi Y


    This man-made stream has many artistic and creative archs and scluptures. The clean water is pumped here from Hangang river.

  • Jj Sison

    Jj Sison


    Beautiful place to visit right in the middle of the city. I went to the lantern festival happening every november and there were so many people! Tip: If you plan on going to the lantern festival and walk just on one side of the stream do not so it from gwanghwamun side. I did that and regretted it. I think the other end is close to euljiro-3 and it would be better to start there then walk to gwanghwamun as most of the lanterns faced that side. I just saw the lanterns from behind as I was tired to walk the other side of the stream to see the front.

  • Mohammad Irwan Trimulyono

    Mohammad Irwan Trimulyono


    Placed in the centre of Seoul, this river is the best place to jogging, to enjoy lunch, for take pictures, etc. In the night, some couple will enjoy this river 'naughty' :) -No adm fee -Best time to visit : Oct., Nov, Mar, Apr -Standard spending time : 2 hrs

  • Carmen Lo

    Carmen Lo


    Love this long river, the environment will made you feel you're hiking, listening the rhythm of rive, the sound of birds and enjoy the breeze air. It's amazing, as the river located at the middle of Seoul central, a most commercial area.

  • Ramlee Tamin

    Ramlee Tamin


    This is basically a river that runs about 11km through Seoul City. The water is crystal clear with many fish in it. There are fountains at different places. As you rest under a bridge, you will enjoy the tranquility of this river. You can see people reading here and its cool even during summer.

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