Daiso Myeongdong i Seoul

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13-25 Namsandong 3(sam)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-319-6016
Hjemmeside: www.daiso.co.kr
Latitude: 37.5607858, Longitude: 126.9866733
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Kommentar 5

  • Suchanya Laolertchai

    Suchanya Laolertchai


    Many kind of things for shopping. But don't forget to bring the bag if you have. Otherwise you have to buy the bags there but it's not expensive

  • Ahlang Personal

    Ahlang Personal


    Nice made in korea and made in china product. Try to que on the lift to 8th floor then by stairs to 1st floor.. or just decide what do you want to buy then go to the floor directly.

  • Rui Inaba

    Rui Inaba


    This is the biggest Daiso in verticality, but it's not as big as it looks from the outside. If you need your Daiso fix, and you're somehow in Myeongdong, well this is it. If you are serious about your Daiso fix, there are other bigger ones. And less crowded too.

  • Heidi Jokiniemi

    Heidi Jokiniemi


    Daiso in Seoul. Excellent place to shop what ever you need. Stationery, kitchen supplies, cosmetics, gift goods, socks, make up bags... very reasonable pricing.

  • MW Cheng

    MW Cheng


    The 8 storey of department store provides a wide range of daily necessities for customer's selection. Pick the items from the floors above and pay on the ground floor. Very user-friendly and convenient. Easily spend half a day in the shop and buying happily.

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