Dominic i Seoul

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242 Itaewon-ro, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-790-7588
Latitude: 37.536208, Longitude: 127.000291
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Kommentar 5

  • Adam Mezhvinsky

    Adam Mezhvinsky


    Amazing, high quality food

  • Francis Wong

    Francis Wong


    Moved to underground basement so no more window view. Quiet atmosphere and reasonably priced.

  • Isaac P. Pearson

    Isaac P. Pearson


    The restaurant is a nice one, light and airy and with a good view of Hannam-dong. My friend and I had the Thanksgiving dinner. It was good, but overpriced and there was no pumpkin pie for dessert. What we both noticed, and what mildly upset us was that the owner spent almost all of the time that we were there conversing with a group of Korean Americans, in fluent English, at a nearby table, but not once did she approach us two Caucasians and ask us how we liked the meal. Not once. Racism? Indifference? Both?

  • Ildiko Horvath

    Ildiko Horvath


    Cool place with large windows and a nice view over Itaewon. The interior is industrial/minimal. They have two types of beer on tap. The seasonal one we tried was Goose Island IPA. The manager and the bartender are very welcoming, and they know a lot about drinks. They suggested us to try a smoky whiskey with an amaro. I've never tried these two types of drink together, but it was really unique.

  • Brian Reams

    Brian Reams


    Nice drink selection and food in a location just outside of the normal itaewon riffraff. Bar is amenable to hosting events sometimes as well. Very kind and helpful staff!

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