Embassy of Germany i Seoul

Åben kort
Lokal tid:

🕗 Åbningstider

416 Hangang-daero, Hoehyeon-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-748-4114
Hjemmeside: www.seoul.diplo.de
Latitude: 37.5554652, Longitude: 126.9737483
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Kommentar 5

  • Anne Jankowski

    Anne Jankowski


    They have changed from being able to take phone calls to only being reachable via email. Staff is kind and helpful. I had an appointment for a new passport and ended up taking longer than my designated time frame (30 minutes), but this wasn't an issue. Pick-up times for ID's and Passports are limited. Opening times only in the morning - which can be inconvenient for working folks. If emails are send early morning or noon, chances are they will answer on the same day (if not - one business day).

  • Oliver Rosée

    Oliver Rosée


    I'm giving 5 stars because the staff is so helpful and patient, and because that's the exact opposite of the embassy staff on other countries.

  • 砰砰响



    the phone doesn't answer anything but asks to send email, the email takes one week to reply and asks to visit on-site, the on-site visit needs reservation at least one week ahead. if you have an email called "info", at least provide some info

  • Nuwan Madusanka

    Nuwan Madusanka


    No need appointments, quick and efficient. Staff is very flexible and helpful. Busan consular office also very flexible and efficient

  • Magnus Scherr

    Magnus Scherr


    Quick and efficient. Had no Problems whatsoever.

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