Lotte Department Store i Seoul

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81 Namdaemun-ro, Sogong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-771-2500
Latitude: 37.5649053, Longitude: 126.9812188
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Kommentar 5

  • SJ Lee

    SJ Lee


    It is one of the biggest department stores in the city; but definitely too ridded with tourists. It's also kind of pricey so unless you have a budget, not exactly the best place to shop.

  • Stephen Mattingly

    Stephen Mattingly


    The duty free is overwhelming with the selection. They specialize in high end luxury items but they also have some nice mid- luxury brands. Lots of leather products, cosmetics, and bags. Less liquor and tobacco.

  • Soo Khiang OO1

    Soo Khiang OO1


    Best shopping experience for tourists. Duty free shopping at the top floors that is open till 930 pm. But do check if opening hours change as it may change

  • Umar H Jan

    Umar H Jan


    Get everything under one roof. Wish the had a larger or a dedicated floor to electronics like most international European stores in selfridges, debhnams.

  • Kaze Lim

    Kaze Lim


    Worst place in seoul for a Traveller seeking to relax. This place is filled with China tourists. The sales people are actually from a town in China near Korea, so they speak both Mandarin and Korean well and has Korean names. They are extremely rude and are the most pretentious people in service line I've ever met. They only care for sales, will push anything to you. Unwilling to speak to you if they know you're not buying a lot. Only China tourists can accept this sort of service. After all, it's their own people serving them. Oh, and for level 12 cosmetics, similarly rude staffs and things you purchased cannot be received immediately. You have to go to the airport duty free pick up to collect you cosmetics. Troublesome process, not worth it. Furthermore, throughout the mall and other duty free malls and shops, they closes on time at 9:30pm. They will ignore your queries or start rushing you at 9:25pm. Then they'll take their bags at 9:30pm and all walked out of their shops together. They don't even close their shops. Be there early if you really want to visit. My advise, do not ever go to this place or myeongdong/dongdaemun in general. It will ruin whatever good experiences you have in korea. These places are for shoppers, not travellers. AVOID AT ALL COST.

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