CGV Piccadilly 1958 i Seoul

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지하2층 Donhwamun-ro 5ga-gil, Donui-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 1544-1122
Latitude: 37.5709986, Longitude: 126.9912811
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Kommentar 5

  • 정재욱



    It was cozy place ever:)

  • Jihee Gong

    Jihee Gong


    the space is very small and there weren't some benches enough for waiting. there is on basement of the building of jewerlys.

  • 김용범



    It's a movie theater which has a long history. Though it's not famous nowadays, but it was one of the most famous theaters in Korea. I used to watch movies when I was young.

  • alvin goh

    alvin goh


    Surprisingly this cinema is big located at the underground of an old building. The cinema design is quite unique giving a very vintage cinematic feeling.

  • Daniel Kim

    Daniel Kim


    CGV is always my first choice of cinemas in Korea. Clean, roomy seats with great sound and visual experience. Recommend the squid snacks!

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