City Hall Station i 서울특별시

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Südkorea, 서울특별시 Jung-gu, Sogong-dong, 지하 101
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-6110-1321
Latitude: 37.5657037, Longitude: 126.9768616
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Kommentar 5

  • 모야모



    지하철 2호선과 1호선의 환승역이다. 주변에 서울시청과 덕수궁을 비롯해 여러 빌딩이 있는 곳이다.

  • 해담해든



    아주 오래된 역사로 주변에 고궁과 유서 깊은 장소들이 많습니다

  • Lucien Mélou

    Lucien Mélou


    City Hall - Hôtel de Ville de Séoul - superbe architecture contemporaine évoquant une immense vague de verre. Mur végétal à l'intérieur. À voir : souvent de belles expositions au niveau -1. Entrée libre.

  • Ramlee Tamin

    Ramlee Tamin


    When I arrived here for the first time, I did not lose my way. There were ample signs to show your directions whether you want to exit or transfer to another line. As you arrived, there were maps to help you decide which exit to take. There was no need to ask around. Its good if you have the subway map which is distributed free at any information centre.

  • H Hadi Susanto

    H Hadi Susanto


    The town hall is very beautiful and neat. I always pass front of it. When I want to leave for the train station.

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