Daehan Cinema i Seoul

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125-18 Chungmuro 4(sa)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-3393-3600
Hjemmeside: www.daehancinema.co.kr
Latitude: 37.5610636, Longitude: 126.9953291
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Kommentar 5

  • Berna Nalbant

    Berna Nalbant


    Really so nice place for watching movie

  • Jonas Härtlein

    Jonas Härtlein


    Very cheap compared to other cinemas in the area. The screening quality and the popcorn aren't necessarily the best, but they have many different screening times and cheap prices for both the movies and the food to make up for that.

  • Prashant Sharma

    Prashant Sharma


    I watched Dangal movie with one of my close friend. It is a very small theater, but very comfortable.

  • Victor Park

    Victor Park


    Historic cinema complex with great popcorn, big screen and great sound. It has a total of 11 screens giving a lot of movie options.

  • Tee Tee

    Tee Tee


    I love this place. Plus you get to see cute pets just down the street. Its a lovely cinema.

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