Domino's Pizza i 서울특별시

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Südkorea, 서울특별시 Yongsan-gu, Garwol-dong, 두텁바위로 13
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-757-4513
Latitude: 37.5454732, Longitude: 126.973901
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Kommentar 5

  • Isaac P. Pearson

    Isaac P. Pearson


    In the States, Domino's is my favorite pizza brand. This branch offers the standard Domino's pizza, cooked well and quickly, with the proper ingredients. There is a place to eat, but it is tiny, so most of the customers are there for take-out or order delivered pizza by phone. The staff is polite and in typical Korean and, in fact, Asian style, they are hard-working and efficient. You won't have any problems with this branch of Domino's.

  • jenvan64



    Excellent customer service. They had an English menu we could order off of. We got a half half pizza with one side seafood and the other side a meaty topping. Nice selection of pizza different than back in the states. Kinda pricy because any food from the States that sells here is pricier than the typical Korean food. They do offer delivery. Pizza was made within 15 minutes after ordering. Pizza sizes are medium and large with medium size 6 slices being enough for 2 people.

  • wing thanh nguyen

    wing thanh nguyen


    We went to Dominos pizza in busan to try the pizzas as they are different from the pizzas back home, We ordered two different pizza's one with potato on top and one with bulgogi beef it was some of the best pizzas we have eaten, highly recommeded.

  • 형재나




  • 크롱쉬온유



    근처 피자집보다 피자 토핑이나 치즈가 많이 올라가있고 맛있어요

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