Embassy of the Philippines i Seoul

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80 Hoenamu-ro, Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-796-7387
Hjemmeside: www.philembassy-seoul.com
Latitude: 37.5405842, Longitude: 126.9953884
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Kommentar 5

  • wavy jin

    wavy jin


    Irresponsible. Don't even pick the call and terribly poor voice prompt service!

  • Pine Ocean World

    Pine Ocean World


    I was concerned reading all the negative comments and reviews. I had to do a lot things to get done during my visit but the whole process went smoothly. Even before traveling to Seoul the staff was helpful answering emails and phone enquiries. The consular section (one person) was particularly courteous, patient, and very thorough considering all the stuff we had to complete, while at the same time answering phone calls and having people wait. No problems at all with payment, passport services and passport encoding. The only problems were from the impatient Korean husbands whose passive-aggressive methods of complaint (sound effects of displeasure) were highly noticeable. Thank you to the staff of the Philippines Embassy for being so professional and courteous.

  • Danny Wiji

    Danny Wiji


    I recently visited the embassy of Philippines. The place was nice and tidy and the staff was very cooperative.

  • Seung-Chang Lee

    Seung-Chang Lee


    Worst service, Worst Supervisor, Worst work, Worst employees I've ever seen. Embassy isn't existing for people whose from philippines. All officers are too haughty and assume an attitude of arrogant superiority even they made a mistake. WAKE UP!!!!

  • alaine salang

    alaine salang


    Tech exellent

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