Guest House The Hill i Seoul

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31 Toegye-ro 20na-gil, Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 70-8161-4342
Latitude: 37.557713, Longitude: 126.985378
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Kommentar 5

  • Manuel Martínez Rodríguez

    Manuel Martínez Rodríguez


    El dueño era agradable. La ubicación de la casa es muy buena para visitar la ciudad, tiene cerca estación de metro y parada de autobús. Tiene una cocina en la casa de huéspedes la cual pueden utilizar los huéspedes. El menú del desayuno es muy básico, pan de molde, mermelada, mantequilla, té y café. La habitación era pequeña pero acogedora. El baño tiene gel de ducha, champú y secador de pelo. Las toallas son muy pequeñas y , al menos en las cuatro noches que pasamos, no nos la cambiaron ningun día. Tampoco limpiaron la habitación ni retiraron la basura de la papelera durante nuestra estancia.

  • Norliyana Noordin

    Norliyana Noordin


    The owner was really friendly and nice. The location of the guesthouse is perfect, it is close to Namsan hill and the shopping area Myeongdong. To get to the guesthouse, you need to go on a tiring uphill walk. There is also a halal restaurant nearby, which is convenient for Muslim travellers. There is also a kitchen at the guesthouse, and the breakfast menu include white bread, jam, butter, eggs, tea and coffee. Toaster and induction cooker were also provided. You can also get free flow of hot/warm/cold water. The room was small but cozy. Room amenities include shower gel, shampoo and hairdryer. However, only small face towels were provided. There was no facial tissues either. The room that I stayed in has an attached bathroom and in-room wifi. However, only one device could connect to the room wifi. Not sure if it's because of a limit or because of device problem. I also wish that there are more plug points in the room.

  • Jod Gozum

    Jod Gozum


    Great place. Nice rooms. A little bit of uphill climb to reach. The sink of our room needs a plumbing repair. Very accommodating managers.

  • Tamás Novotny

    Tamás Novotny



  • jimmy chia

    jimmy chia


    Quaint and peaceful guesthouse. The owner/manager, Mr. Kisae, speaks good English, and is friendly & extremely helpful.

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