Hyundai Department Store, Apgujeong i Seoul

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165 Apgujeong-ro, Apgujeong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-547-2233
Latitude: 37.527346, Longitude: 127.027355
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Kommentar 5

  • sung jung

    sung jung


    a great place for shopping and grabbing a bite to eat. has definitely changed over the years but still one of the premier shopping malls in Seoul

  • Sam Lee

    Sam Lee


    My favorite Hyundai department store in Seoul. I always receive impeccable service here. I usually stop by CGD store here

  • Jeffrey Ng

    Jeffrey Ng


    A big Mall. The food court is great. Expensive part of town, it will feel the same as the Lotte Mall except there are less tourist in the mall and more locals

  • Kongblee e

    Kongblee e


    Connected to Apgujeong station (line#3,orange). I especially enjoyed their gourmet street (food court) in the basement floor which has all kinds of dishes to choose from. Their desert is also of good quality, yet you might be a little surprised to find their prices pretty high.

  • Gert Kopera

    Gert Kopera


    Most certainly worth a detour. A must visit when in Seoul. Food Hall alone is superb. A great way to try a variety of local favorites.

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