Lotte Hotel Seoul i Seoul

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30 Eulji-ro, Euljiro 1(il)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-771-1000
Latitude: 37.5653, Longitude: 126.980979
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Kommentar 5

  • Brady.Y Kim

    Brady.Y Kim


    One of the prestigious chained-brand hotels in Korea. Located at a supreme location, guests can get easy access to most of attractions in Seoul. Several major metro stations (line #1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) are just within a walking distance. Housing gourmet restaurants and nice banquet halls.

  • Itsar Hartadi

    Itsar Hartadi


    Great hotel with shopping mall on the bottom floor. Very close to legendary Lotte duty free cosmetic groceries and city center

  • Mehmet Erdoğdu

    Mehmet Erdoğdu


    One of the best hotel to stay in Seoul Korea . Very good location , very personalized service. Very good breakfast .. Rooms are not so luxury and they have renovated soon . They will open a 6 stars ( ? ) htl in september 2018 on the next wing with all suites style hotel ..

  • Jay



    5 star hotel with good location for shopping. However, with a bad house keeping. I took this photo immediately after my check in. Didnt bother to complain or change my room but was disappointing.

  • Nana Spio-Garbrah

    Nana Spio-Garbrah


    Very luxurious hotel. Great location near a lot of shopping. The spa was under renovation but was referred to the spa at nearby Plaza Hotel. The breakfast buffet is mind blowing. 31st executive lounge also quite good. Would come back again!

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