Namsan Gil House i 서울특별시

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South Korea, 서울특별시 중구 퇴계로18길 79-3
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-319-8500
Latitude: 37.5574867, Longitude: 126.9847562
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Kommentar 5

  • Chintya Marcellin

    Chintya Marcellin


    Great hospitality by the owner. The room is spacious and cozy. Breakfast available.

  • Nik Zamzani

    Nik Zamzani


    It a comfortable guesthouse near the train station and very close to myeongdong

  • Tristan DV

    Tristan DV


    Namsan Guest House is one of the better budget accommodations in Myeong Dong area. The rooms are secure, clean and comfortable even though they are small. The staff are really friendly and accommodating. They have a common area where you can eat noodles all you can and mingle with other travelers. It is very accessible to transportation as it is only a few meters away from the subway and just lies across the shopping district. You can also walk your way to the Namsan Tower from the guest house.

  • sasha lockyer

    sasha lockyer


    This place is budget at it's best. Bathrooms weren't tended to often from what I could tell, but the privacy and security of your bunk was top notch. I would recommend for someone who is looking for a place to put their head at night, but not someone who is looking for a good atmosphere.

  • Sherlamaine Ng

    Sherlamaine Ng


    Place is very convenient. Its near the Myeongdong station and an airport limousine stop. Myongdong shopping street is also very near by and tons of shopping and food is easily accessible within 5 mins of walking. Namsan is also walkable from here. Maybe 10 to 15 mins of uphill walk to the cable car or you can choose to walk all the way up the mountain through hike trails.

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