Namsan Park i Seoul

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South Korea, Seoul, Jung-gu, Hoehyeondong 1(il)-ga, 100-166 -ga,
Kontakter telefon: +82 10-5424-3890
Latitude: 37.553782, Longitude: 126.9808945
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Kommentar 5

  • JH LEE

    JH LEE


    Heart of Seoul. Easy trail. Few people.

  • Raymond Carter Jr.

    Raymond Carter Jr.


    Not a bad place to experience. A decent walk in the park.

  • Arnold League

    Arnold League


    relaxing and nice view but u will need a lot of energy to walk and hike up

  • Michael Vosatka

    Michael Vosatka


    Very nice park in the heart of the city. From the tower there are stunning views. Great way to spend a few hours in Seoul.

  • Julian Wong

    Julian Wong


    The best park in Seoul. It is centrally located and is easily accessible. You can hike up the park from Hoehyeon station to N Seoul Tower. It is a little challenging or you can do the reverse, take a bus or cab up to N Seoul Tower and hike all the way down.

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