난다아로마 타이 마사지 (Nanda aroma thai massage) i Seoul

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South Korea, Seoul, Jung-gu, Myeongdong 1(il)-ga, 54-16 2 층
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-777-1417
Hjemmeside: cafe.naver.com
Latitude: 37.563856, Longitude: 126.9838
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Kommentar 5

  • Anne Nguyen

    Anne Nguyen


    Went because it was highly rated, however it must be rated by their friends and family because this place was so dirty, unprofessional and ridiculously expensive for the poor service. Beds are on the ground and all cramped in one small room and nothing looks like its been washed in a while. Very few staff managing the place. I had a facial and back massage package and the lady serving me kept leaving me there unattended to do other things around the place. I lay there for 10-15 mins halfway through a facial with noone attending me. Also cheap products were used. Barely had a back massage too, she just rubbed it a few times if that counts. My boyfriend got the thai body massage and said it was really bad and they also did not give him the full 80 mins. Worst thai massage place and ridiculously expensive. STAY AWAY from this place.

  • Eusoon Han

    Eusoon Han


    Great place! Absolutely the best! I was in the area and didn’t have much expectations of the place. However, this place completely blew my mind. Staff and extra friendly, and the place is not big but exceptionally clean and neat. Massage was great. Full 90 minutes without skipping. Price is pretty reasonable for the crowded area. After a day of shopping and touring, a good massage is what you need. I would definitely recommend this place.

  • hyungrae kim

    hyungrae kim


    The massage is amazing. The staff is so lovely, caring and nice. The location is directly next to the centre of Myeongdong and you feel like recharge. I didn't want to leave!

  • 신송희



    enjoyable and relaxing massage. clean and comfortable. best massage experience in seoul.

  • Antonis Kapsalis

    Antonis Kapsalis


    We enjoyed a great massage around noon, my wife and I. It's a very clean, friendly environment, easy to find and the massage we both got was excellent. We paid around 80.000W (80$) each. We totally recommend. Located in a small alley of a commercial pedestrian street.

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