Seven Luck Casino i Seoul

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395 Namdaemunno 5(o)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-2021-6000
Latitude: 37.5559055, Longitude: 126.9753815
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Kommentar 5

  • Tuan H.A. Nguyen

    Tuan H.A. Nguyen


    I have been travelling all over the world and visiting most casino in Singapore, Barcelona, Stockholm, London, Las Vegas but I have never been in so badly manner place. They don't want to open blackjack table for minimum bet which is 10 000 Won. Most tables are from 50 000 Won which is almost 50 USD. Then when somebody doesn't play but still sitting on the table next to friend who is playing they don't allow new players to join even though the betting spot is empty. So you have to queque to play and it is very long queque. It is very small casino. Nothing special. They have black jack, baccarat, roulette and 1 table for casino war. Also they have slots but nothing impressive. I don't recommend to come here to play.

  • Quad Corleni

    Quad Corleni


    So many chinese has there lol

  • Gwain Shells

    Gwain Shells


    Awesome casino? Can't wait to go back!

  • Sung ho Choi

    Sung ho Choi


    My ATM in Seoul. I love this casino! I've been coming here every year for last 10 years. I only play baccarat and roulette but they have other table games like war and blackjack and of course slot machines. My only complaint is they take forever before spinning the wheel on roulette. Watch out for the Chinese people stepping over you at the baccarat tables to put their bets down at the last minute.

  • Sumeet Kataria

    Sumeet Kataria


    Worst casino EVER. If you an AMERICAN and used to playing in the US, please do yourself a favor and STAY AWAY from this super crappy place. Smallest casino with only 1/2 tables of each games. Waited 60 mins on wed evening for a spot on the table and then returned. Cannot even imagine what happens on a weekend. Save your money and go back to the US and contribute to the economy there instead of Korea :P

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627 Namdaemunno 5(o)-ga, Jung-gu
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