The Plaza Seoul, Autograph Collection i 서울특별시

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South Korea, 서울특별시 Jung-gu, Taepyeongno 2(i)-ga, 소공로 119
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-771-2200
Latitude: 37.5646275, Longitude: 126.9780619
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Kommentar 5

  • Fred Lee

    Fred Lee


    Close to everything. Friendly staff and excellent customer service. Prompt response to your needs. Smaller than your average hotel room but clean and efficient. Comfy bed.

  • Trevor Cairns

    Trevor Cairns


    A great experience representative of the kind, friendly Korean people. The rooms are exotic with the finest interior decoration. Where money was not spared to ensure the best comfort for its clientele in the finest detailed. The staff is representative of excellence. They were ever present paying attention to your every need even if there was not any need.

  • Lisa Collins

    Lisa Collins


    Fantastic hotel. The design is modern, luxurious, and comfortable. The amenities and toiletries are top notch, and the staff are friendly and accommodating. The location is also fabulous. No complaints. My fiancé and I plan to look for other Plaza (Autograph Collection) hotels on our future travels to other locations.

  • Gary Harford

    Gary Harford


    Hotel is in a great location and has been renovated in last few years. My entry level room had great views over Seoul Plaza and City Hall. It's a bit quirky and curtains open, lights turn on and music plays when you arrive in the room. F&B prices are pretty high but plenty of places to dine very close to the hotel. Not flexible with early check in and I had to pay 50% room rate to access room at 730am off long haul international flight. Had to take twin beds as no doubles available, what was a bit of a disappointment

  • Chris DiGennaro

    Chris DiGennaro


    Came here for the bread shop in the basement. It's pretty decent stuff. Worth a trip if you're into French pastries. But it is kind of in a dungeon... At least it's convenient!

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