Watts Cycling i Seoul

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South Korea, Seoul, Yongsan-gu, Hannam-dong, 수영빌딩
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-797-8279
Hjemmeside: www.watts-cycling.com
Latitude: 37.534699, Longitude: 127.007571
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Kommentar 5

  • Tan Huy Nguyen

    Tan Huy Nguyen


    Wish this place was closer. Been here only once, but I can tell that Watts Cycling is dedicated to the cyclist. We arrived half an hour late and to our surprise found them still open and catering to their patrons and their patrons doing their own self-service as well. We simply wanted a specific lubricant that they offered at no cost when most places were asking for an absurd price for the requested amount. On top of that, it seemed as though they were glad to fulfill our request even though we were late! The life of a cyclist in a hustle-and-bustle city is tough. These folks know that and are sympathetic to the needs of the cyclist. With our utmost sincerity, thank you so much for your kind service. Keep up the great work and please consider expanding to more locations!

  • 김중희



    써비스에 아주 만족합니다

  • Øivind Erevik

    Øivind Erevik


    Excellent bike shop! I got a tune up on my bike, as I'm currently touring in Asia. English speaking staff, and Daniel knows everything about cycling in South Korea!

  • 삼두박근



    남산가는길에 위치하고있어 가끔 들리기도 편하고 직원분들도 친절하셔서 자주 이용하고있는 샵입니다. 적극추전!!

  • Danny Marquardt

    Danny Marquardt


    Great service, professional mechanics, and quality bikes, parts, and accessories. Also, many organized rides. About half of the staff speak English. Highly recommended!

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