Lily Cat i Seoul

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53-11 Myeongdong 2(i)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, Corea del Sur
Kontakter telefon: +82
Latitude: 37.5621807, Longitude: 126.9840694
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Kommentar 5

  • Tina Carmona

    Tina Carmona


    Lily Cat is closed, but the Cat Cafe is open maybe in it's place because it looks like the sign is the same in the pics. There is an elevator to take you to the 4th floor, (but it says 5 on the button). You pay $10,000 for each person and you get a drink. The cats were sleepy but sweet (except one bit me). They were nice to my kids. You put slippers off in the front before you enter and they sanitize your hands. I had a lemon soda and it was interesting but good.

  • 칠월




  • Josiah Maricle

    Josiah Maricle


    First of all it was hard to find and it is located on the third floor with no elevator, which is not hard if you don’t mind stairs. When you get to the third floor it is right in front of you, so you can’t miss it. You have to take off your shoes and change into slippers before you go in. It is nice inside with lots of cats, but it is, as you might expect, stinky. The staff were slightly rude. I don’t now if thy were rude sounding because of their English skills or just because they were not having a good day. They made us order right a way instead of letting us put our heavy coats and bags down. When we ordered you have to pay 10,000won (~10$) up front, which includes a drink. But, that is MUCH more expensive than even Starbucks. So we ended up not staying. Very disappointed.

  • 또디니



    고양이넘마카와이해여 ㅠㅠ

  • Morgan Lai

    Morgan Lai


    Quite an impressive quantity and assortment of cats in this lovely cafe. Hygienic, as well, as the cats are separated from the food preparation areas. Lots of games to while away your time with as well, such as Settlers of Catan, or Jenga. On the downside, some of the cats seem like they could use some more care, and in the cat section, there is a minor odor of cats, which some cat cafes I've seen have managed to avoid..

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