Seoul Central Mosque مسجد i Seoul

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39 Usadan-ro 10-gil, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea Południowa
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-793-6908
Latitude: 37.5333532, Longitude: 126.9975409
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Kommentar 5

  • Ahmad Rushdhi

    Ahmad Rushdhi


    I've been there for the Eid this Shawwal. Great experience. The Turkish food out side the Masjid is really good

  • ilyass ahmed

    ilyass ahmed


    It's a great place for all Muslims they want visit Seoul. Itaewon is the name of this place you can take metro N°6, around the mosque you can find many halal restaurant. Etawon c'est le nom de la place ou se trouve la grande mosquée de Séoul. Métro N°6 ou vous pouvez trouver des restaurants qui proposent de la viande Hallal. Il y'a même des restaurants korean qui proposent des plats traditionnel et son aussi hallal.




    It is a grand mosque of South Korea. It's a big structure by size. First floor (Ground floor) is for female worshiper. Non-Muslims are also welcome here. Many people (most of them are foreigners) can be seen taking rest at second floor (main hall for prayer). This mosque has offices and exhibition room for halal products at ground floor. A school for kids is also available inside the compound. The nearby area has lots of foreigner taste based restaurants (American, European, Asian, African and from Middle East). The mosque is at high rise land so a pleasant view of city can be seen. Indian and Pakistani grocery shops are popular here.

  • 최기훈



    서울에서 이방인이 된 느낌을 받아 이색적이었습니다. 사원은 물론 계단에서 서울의 풍경을 볼 수 있어 좋았습니다. 그리고 이슬람 신자가 아니면 내부 입장은 안되니 참고하기 바랍니다.

  • kakeijun84



    Very comfortable place to pray. Toilet is also clean & squat toilet bowls also available! Its good for muslim & more comfortable for sharing!

Nærmeste Moske:

Meczet Centralny w Seulu

732-21 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu
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Iteon Mosque / Masjid

732-119 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu
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