Seoul Central Post Office i Seoul

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70 Sogong-ro, Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-6450-1114
Latitude: 37.561737, Longitude: 126.982164
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Kommentar 5

  • Schorsch Super

    Schorsch Super


    Post office is in the basement. Go to the last three desks to send a parcel internationaly. There is a machine to pick a number to buy the parcel or for sendig it. They speak enough english. Send it express (5 days to europ) or normal (3 weeks). Pack it (everything like tape etc you need is there), fill out the form, get a new number and give it to the postman to ship it. Payed 38000 KRW (30€) for 3.5 kg express

  • Vu Thang

    Vu Thang


    Good. Seoul Central Post Office, 70 Sogong-ro, Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South

  • romeo



    In A Nutshell: -If you do enough walking in Seoul, you're bound to run into the Seoul Central Post Office. -The odd-shaped building looks like it's someone doing the splits upside-down. Overall, it's a good building to use as a reference if you ever get lost.

  • Michał Rakowski

    Michał Rakowski


    Always pretty girls on the reception desk. Post office - where I headed is clean and the staff is very helpful.

  • Chris Lee

    Chris Lee


    Convenient location with confortable room condition. Its ideal service apartment for families

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