The Booth - Craft Beer & Pizza Slice Kyunglidan i Seoul

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7 Noksapyeong-daero 54-gil, Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 1544-4723
Latitude: 37.539357, Longitude: 126.9876923
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Kommentar 5

  • Tom K

    Tom K


    The Eureka Hop Ale was delicious.

  • Jeff Olson

    Jeff Olson


    Pretty badass microbrewery that serves pizza and very good brew by California craft brew standards. Recommend the Kukmin IPA. Check it out for a drink if you're in the area, totally worth trying. Also near many other brewers and bottle shops with good selections. Service lacking here a little. But maybe due to limited English speaking staff.

  • Ali Cho

    Ali Cho


    My fav place in Itaewon to grab a proper IPA and monster pizza

  • Christopher Gibbs

    Christopher Gibbs


    Good place to grab a magpie beer and a hot slice of za during a night of bar hoppin.

  • Chris DiGennaro

    Chris DiGennaro


    Very cool atmosphere. Beers are not bad. They run out of special releases all the time so you have to go often to try new stuff. Pizza is popular but poor quality.

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