Forever 21 i Seoul

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27 Myeongdong 8-gil, Myeongdong 2(i)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-727-3300
Latitude: 37.5624734, Longitude: 126.9851686
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Kommentar 5

  • Mohd Saqib

    Mohd Saqib


    Good place for girl's shopping

  • Axelle Charlier

    Axelle Charlier


    Huge forever 21 ! You will find anything you are looking for, and prices are fair, cheaper than in Europe

  • Isabel M

    Isabel M


    It's conveniently located in the center of Myeongdong and has two entrances making it convenient if you want to avoid the main traffic coming from the subway station. The sales are good and there are three full floors of merchandise. The sales section like in most Forever21s is a little bit haphazard and crazily organized but less so than I would say in the USA. Because there aren't as many shoppers and as many people just putting items in random places, I'd say it's a much more relaxing shopping experience than I've experienced at home.

  • Jessica White

    Jessica White


    Always a lot of sales here! Definitely my favorite "local" Forever 21

  • Erika



    Myeongdong is always packed, and this Forever21 was always pretty full of people when I stopped in. That being said, the store was pretty neat for the amount of people continuously rummaging through the racks. I've been to much worse Forever21 stores that probably get far less traffic.

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