Inwangsan i Seoul

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Inwangsan, Ogin-dong, Seoul
Kontakter telefon: +82
Latitude: 37.5849489, Longitude: 126.9593042
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Kommentar 5

  • 박현



    1968년 1*21사태 때 124군 부대 소속 남파 특수공작원 군관 김신조가 투항한 산. 창의문 옆에 시인 윤동주 문학관과 공원이 조성됨 겸재 정선의 산수화에 *인왕제색도*가 있고요 산 너머엔 홍제역과 인왕시장,모래내가 흐르는 치성 드리고 굿하기 좋은 돌산.

  • Cristina Berci

    Cristina Berci


    This mountain close to the palaces is a great place for a pleasant and not very difficult hike. The view from the top is great. You have a panoramic view of Seoul which together with the walk along the city hall is worth the efort.

  • Nicholas Rowland

    Nicholas Rowland


    These are from the trails on the East side of the mountain. Very easy walk up. Blue trail is stroller friendly and Red trail gives a nice hike and views. Both trails lead to a great observation point overlooking Seoul.

  • HoYune Yu

    HoYune Yu


    지근지척에 시간소요도 크지 않아 반나절 즐기기에도 좋으면서 멋진 풍광과 약간 난이도 있는 길까지.. 최고. Very near to center of Seoul, perfect combination of views and trail walk which will take only a few hours

  • 이션



    Wonderful hiking trail. Definitely should be on your list while visiting Seoul. No entrance fee is required. Advised to buy drinks/snacks in advance as there will be no shops along the way. Small plastic bag for your trash as there are also no trash bins. The view from above is stunning. You realise then how big the city Seoul is.

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