Namsan i Seoul

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Namsan, Hoehyeondong 1(il)-ga, Seoul
Kontakter telefon: +82
Latitude: 37.5537586, Longitude: 126.9809696
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Kommentar 5

  • ahil ahill

    ahil ahill


    And smokers ?! In Seoul everywhere arround you get in,no smoking areas.all day inside and no smoking areas.thats really bad !!!

  • Benedict Uy

    Benedict Uy


    We walked through the park on the way to the N Seoul Tower. The paths were nice and clean and it was a nice walk through the trees. It was quite steep. We started from the Public Library entrance and it took about 30 minutes to climb up. There were quite a few rest spots and paths that seemed to lead to other areas of the park. Really nice walk up although it was a tad tiring.

  • Mark Northcott

    Mark Northcott


    No, this is not the peak with the N Seoul Tower N서울타워. Look around the centre of the mountain.

  • Etilis Thenid

    Etilis Thenid


    This a good point of view from Seoul. I think it's better at night. If you want a romantic place, go here ^^ It's just... magic

  • Christina K

    Christina K


    Beautiful hike with city views of the city and mountains beyond. There are also work out stations with hula hoops and other light weight machines along the course.

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46-1 Inhyeondong 1(il)-ga, Jung-gu
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