이태원 창의 어린이 공원 i Seoul

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Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82
Latitude: 37.5382051, Longitude: 126.9892748
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Kommentar 5

  • Nancy E

    Nancy E


    Cute neighborhood park. It has slides, swings, exercise machines, and benches.

  • Tuncay TUNCA

    Tuncay TUNCA


    A very comfortable place for kids and also teenagers and adults to get relax. At every time period of the day, it can be used for several outdoor purposes such as doing yoga, physical training, play garden and getting relaxed. But, there is one important issue I have to say that, in the night time, the lightning is not enough and you can see some bad behavioured guys while having alcohol over there.

  • Ali Cho

    Ali Cho


    Nice small park with good atmosphere especially at night time

  • Joe Halstead

    Joe Halstead


    Good place to walk your small dog. Apart from that it's for kids, old people, and at night young couples.

  • Oliver Rosée

    Oliver Rosée


    This used to be a nice kid's playground, but it has been renovated for much older children and lacks safety and support for pre-school kids now. Slides are not accessible, swings have no protective fences, jungle gym is gone and there are a few dangerous falling hazards. Trees have been felled and seating used to be more plentiful. Positive: toilets are now available.

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