J.J. Mahoney's i Seoul

Åben kort
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322 Sowol-ro, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea Południowa
Kontakter telefon: +82 2-797-1234
Hjemmeside: www.seoul.grand.hyatt.com
Latitude: 37.5393992, Longitude: 126.9971628
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Kommentar 5

  • Sukyong Kim

    Sukyong Kim


    좋은음악 .좋은분위기 .

  • 최상렬



    최고의 고급호텔클럽 라이브수준이 최고이구 물 죽임 ㅋ

  • yousweet26 Chanel

    yousweet26 Chanel


    Love Saturday night 💕 in here

  • Tong Yiu

    Tong Yiu


    Club with live music directly in Grand Hyatt Seoul hotel. Prices for cocktails and food are on same Niveau like hotel.

  • James West

    James West


    Friendly staff, and good live music. DJ plays the same music for months on end, they should probably fire the DJ. Security guards don't do their job. There is a dress code clearly posted on the wall, and this is NEVER enforced. Multiple times I have seen middle aged Korean ajeossi walk in the bar with sandals or slippers and shorts. The other week, I saw people walk inside wearing hiking clothes. Is the dress code selectively enforced? Who wants to pay $21 for a cocktail in a place where people in hiking clothes are walking around? Ruins the atmosphere completely. High marks for everything else.

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