MegaBox at Dongdaemun i Seoul

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247 Jangchungdan-ro, Euljiro 6(yuk)-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kontakter telefon: +82 1544-0070
Latitude: 37.5668686, Longitude: 127.0075777
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Kommentar 5

  • K. D. Womack

    K. D. Womack


    Seats and sound were okay.

  • Fiona F

    Fiona F


    Comfortable seats, less people

  • Jihun Kim

    Jihun Kim


    It’s located on the 9th floor of a shopping mall near the Dongdaemun market just right before the subway station. It’s clean and large enough to show several different movies with 8 theaters. There’s a cafe, a snack bar and a ticket box for movie watchers. There’s also parking lots for its guests and they’re selling discounted 3-hour parking ticket for 3K Korean won. It’s good to have your popcorn refilled after watching movie once you buy a bucket.

  • Yeoljun Seong

    Yeoljun Seong


    An cinema witha big mall. Very close to the local sub station and has a quite nice screen too.

  • Diana Kim

    Diana Kim


    Here is very good location, especially for foreigners. Located near the shopping centers. Here you can watch movies even 24 hours. Because this cinema propose movie nights at weekends.

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